
Episode 19: Early modern Torture – Torture Part 3

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Welcome to the Wild Wasteland! Listen, in bewilderment, as Michael Johnson and Dean Maldonato get to the bottom of aliens, conspiracies, murders, crazy stories from the past, anything and everything from this wild wasteland we call Earth!

In this episode the boys talk about something that Michael holds very near and dear to his heart, brutal and awful techniques of torture though history, today they’re talking about Early modern Torture techniques and punishment (16th-18th Century), like Tar & Feathering, Breast Ripper, Pear of Anguish, The Heretic’s Fork, Neck Torture, Keelhauling, Tying Intestines Around a Tree, The Scold’s Bridle, Thumbscrew/Pilliwinks, Guillotine and Slavery! Will they uncover the truth? F if I know, listen to the damn episode!

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