Hello, welcome to The R Word, listen in amazement as your hosts Greg Bartusiak, Johnny Cosmo, and Michael Johnson, bring you R word things they found throughout the week, blah blah blah, no one reads this crap anyways. Big ups to The Punk Group!
This week , our first ep, ep number 13, We throw a little MORE cheese on this mother and talk about news n’ stuff, Highest cities with STDs, Jet Fuel doused children, Road sign hacked, Canadian Nuclear Scare, Tortoise Playboy, Man Wants Katana Fight for Divorce, Cats Eating People, Deaf Porn, What happens all over this episode? and so much more! We also BAN Johnny from Life, also we have a guest, Chris Kladis. Oh and special thanks to The Punk Group for letting us use their song! Sorry, sorry, sorry, Bye!! Listen to the damn episode, the whole episode! Sponsored by The Letter R
Listen to the damn episode!